

We ship fast. Here's how we do it:

  • Shipping for rugs is FREE to all addresses within the continental United States and Canada*.
  • We have partnered with FedEx Standard Ground, to ensure you receive your order within 6-8 business days.
  • We will provide you with tracking details of your order.
  • You can also view your tracking info by logging in to your account and navigating to your order info.
*Offer valid only for orders shipping to Canadian provinces and the continental United States. Additionally, any rug over 12' x 15' in size and over 150 lbs in weight are not eligible for Free Shipping.

-Return Policy-

  • 30 days return policy
  • No restocking fees
  • If the rug is damaged at delivery, please inform us immediately.
  • All items from clearance section are final sale.

-Need to return a rug?-

  • email us at [email protected]
  • Or call us at at 1-888-466-6869
  • Returns cannot be accepted unless authorization is given by ecarpetgallery.
  • Customers are responsible for paying return shipping costs.
  • For Doorstep Pickup Service there is an additional $10 fee to the below chart.

Hand-Knotted Rugs

SIZE Pickup* & Return Fees
Pickup* & Return Fees
Up to 15 square feet (3'x5') $30.00 $40.00
Up to 40 square feet (5'x8') $55.00 $70.00
Up to 54 square feet (6'x9') $80.00 $100.00
Up to 80 square feet (8'x10') $95.00 $120.00
Up to 108 square feet (9'x12') $120.00 $155.00
Up to 180 square feet (12'x15') $160.00 $210.00
Over 180 square feet (12'x15') * Please Contact CSR  

Machine-Made Rugs

SIZE Pickup* & Return Fees
Pickup* & Return Fees
Up to 18 square feet (3'x6') $25.00 $35.00
Up to 40 square feet (5'x8') $55.00 $70.00
Over to 40 square feet (7'x9'+) $95.00 $125.00