Chobi Rugs

Very popular in the Western world for their modern design, Chobi rugs incorporate the antique and muted ... look of natural wood color, meshing perfectly with contemporary homes. Our collection of marvelous handmade Chobi rugs includes geometric floral patterns which perfectly complement contemporary and traditional furniture.More
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  1. Afghan Chobi Finest 2'6" x 4'0" Hand-knotted Wool Rug Afghan Chobi Finest 2'6" x 4'0" Hand-knotted Wool Rug
    - 15%
  2. Afghan Chobi Finest 2'9" x 5'0" Hand-knotted Wool Rug Afghan Chobi Finest 2'9" x 5'0" Hand-knotted Wool Rug
    - 15%
  3. Afghan Chobi Finest 2'7" x 4'0" Hand-knotted Wool Rug Afghan Chobi Finest 2'7" x 4'0" Hand-knotted Wool Rug
    - 15%